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Select Board Meeting Minutes 5/2/18 evening
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 5/2/18

Meeting Opened at: 4:30pm
Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chairperson, Carol Edelman and Kenneth Basler
Also in attendance: Claudia Crane, Mark Little, Marion Simon, George Cain, Don Coburn

The Board met with members of the Conservation Commission to discuss the need for a part time agent to assist with site visits, regulatory guidance and other appropriate duties to assist the Commissioners.  Marion was in full support of having a town appointed, paid agent with the authority to act on applications submitted.  Finding volunteers to serve was also discussed.  The Board is committed to finding qualified people to volunteer on the Commission as well as a qualified, experienced agent as soon as possible.  M. Noe will continue to reach out to surrounding towns, DEP and other municipal resources.

The Board met with George Cain of the Finance Committee to discuss the following in preparation for Saturday’s Annual Town Meeting (there was one member of the Finance Committee in attendance, not a quorum):
  • Use of free cash: The Board and George reviewed the 3 options provided by Justin Cole this morning.  After reviewing the options the Select Board unanimously agreed to recommend using free cash to pay for the loader rather than borrowing, use free cash for the Curtis Rd Bridge repair and fire department hoses instead of raising and appropriating.  The Board will also recommend changing the funding of the general stabilization from using free cash to raising and appropriating.  Going forward funding for all of the stabilization accounts, CART services and GASB75 (a required annual post-employment benefit study) will be line items rather than special articles.  This option will yield a 0% increase from last year’s budget and a 1% decrease from last year if town meeting agrees to remove the Town Administrator item and associated expenses.
Kenn, on behalf of the Broadband Committee requested permission for them to hire Ellen Lahr for some consulting work up to $1,500 to be paid from the broadband consultant special article.  The Board approved. (Carol recused herself from voting on Broadband matters due to a conflict of interest.)

Steve wanted everyone to know that as his last meeting as the Select Board Chair that it was an honor and privilege to serve on the Select Board.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 6:15pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk